Light Search Feature on Facebook
In order to help people, find the posts they want to read,
Facebook introduced a Light Search Feature on its website. Now users have
access to a new set of tools that let them identify what topics they’d like to
see more about. You can use this tool to search for any topic that appears at
the top of someone's News Feed. When you're looking for something specific,
this is good news for those who might not know where to start. If you don't
know what type of post would interest you, then you should try using this
feature to find out.
The best place to use the Light Search Feature is to look at the
posts shared by friends or family members that catch your eye. It seems
obvious, but you may be surprised how many people actually ignore these types
of posts even though they seem relevant, especially if their friend or family
member shares posts frequently.
When you visit the Light Search page, you'll notice that it
looks similar to regular searches on the platform. Just navigate to the search
bar and enter your keywords for the topic you'd like to read about. After that,
click on the button that says “Search Topics." Your results should appear
right away.
On the left side of the screen you'll see three options: Recent
Posts, Top Pages, and Popular Searches. Selecting the option for "Top
Pages," will show you the latest trends among the community, while
selecting "Popular Searches" will bring up a list of popular topics.
If you select "Recent Posts" from the drop down menu,
you'll get a list of the top stories of the day. This is a great way to go back
to some of the content that caught your attention earlier and just scroll
through without doing much searching. Clicking on the title of any of these
stories will take you directly to that post.
Facebook also gives you the option to browse through the pages
of your friends' activity. In this case, you'll see a list of your own friends
with a link at the top of each listing. Check out the pictures they've posted,
their recent updates, and check out their activities.
You can also filter through the top categories displayed on your
profile. These include: Photos, Videos, Events, Community, Groups, Interests,
Places, and Lifestyle. You can narrow your focus further to only display the
type of content you’re interested in.
Once you've found the information you were looking for, you can
share it with your friends via text message, email, or sharing on Instagram or
Twitter. Once you do, you won't have to worry about forgetting interesting
posts ever again!